Wednesday, August 5, 2009

McCormick's Creek

On our second visit to McCormick's Creek State Park, we decided to stay at the Canyon Inn instead of camping.
We did feel out of place (No one looked anything like us. I suspect the Duggars would fit in), however we truly enjoyed our stay.
This was our view from our seats on the lawn.

We actually had room keys. I can't tell you the last time I stayed somewhere that didn't use flimsy plastic cards!

The decor was woodsy, and I swear the crane in the picture over my shoulder, was totally eye-ing me suspiciously.

On Friday we did the majority of of our hiking (2 trails and then an evening walk around the park). First was the trail to the Fire Tower.

Next we decided to do the trail to the Falls. Evidently the path next to the Geocache site isn't a real trail, because we hiked for over a mile and didn't see a trail marker, nor did we find the falls.

But we kept going because it was beautiful and we were enjoying ourselves.

We also found the remains of some poor creature.

We eventually did find the trail, and there were a lot of steep stairs to climb.

On Saturday, DH woke up with a sore throat and wasn't up to hiking, so we just went to the Falls Overlook, where there were easy stairs down to the Falls.

I really never thought I would enjoy hiking as much as I do. It was not something I did a lot growing up, and it's now one of my favorite things to do!

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