Monday, October 13, 2008

Black Friday

It’s getting to be that time of year. Here comes the seemingly endless days of spending quality time with people you avoid the rest of the year. Yup. “The Holidays”.

Wow, is it really that soon? Yup. We are already hitting mid-October.

And do you know what the means for me?
My Wedding Anniversary! Halloween! And the leaking of those beautiful wonderful Black Friday Ads.

Ace Hardware already has leaked theirs. Soon the others will follow suit. Before Thanksgiving, I will already have my strategy planned and my lists made. 90 percent of my shopping will be done by 2pm on Black Friday.

I didn’t start enjoying the craziness of Black Friday until I started dating DH. I went from buying for just my family, to suddenly having his family to buy for too.
So while Thanksgiving dinner was cooking, I learned from the masters. I began my training with my Nana and my aunt as we searched each ad and planned. We took two vehicles and would meet up in the wee hours of the morning.
We would hit the hot stores first and then head to Walmart after all their chaos had ended and price matched what was left on our lists.*

Now, I get a heads up by using my RSS Feedburner to subscribe to such lovelies as:

There are other sites out there, but for me those three have always been the most reliable.

Which reminds me, Toysrus better get their Toybook to me soon! I need to have it handy for the kids to mark up for me.
The Toybook is a must for planning my Black Friday shopping! It determines which items go on my “must get” list and which go on the “backup” list.

Ohhh… I have such a fever going just thinking about it.

So what's your favorite Black Friday website? What's your strategy?

*Always call or email your Walmart to make sure they will price match Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

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